I have disabled the Show Online storage while opening and saving files, as suggested in other threads to no avail. Having spoken with other macOS users (I work in I.T.), this is not merely an individual user issue but a broader problem plaguing Adobe Acrobat in general. Given the cost of this software, I would really appreciate some help from Adobe's support team, as well as an indication that they are planning on doing something about what is clearly an egregious lack of concern over glaring optimization issues. I am running the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and macOS Mojave and have never seen these issues alleviated by two years of updates. My computer is a relatively powerful: 2016 15-inch MacBook Pro connected to an eGPU with Radeon RX 580 and an LG 4K monitor (more than enough power to edit PDFs). I have tried deleting the prefernce files outlined in other topics, which did nothing to alleviate the issue at all. It appears to be very poorly optimized compared to other professional software titles which all run smoothly on macOS: Word, Excel, Pages, Numbers, etc.

This happens no matter what the size of the PDF is from less than 1 MB to 10+ MB. Of course, this code is not good, but you can easily use it as a starting point.For the last two years I have had consistent problems with Acrobat Pro DC being extremely slow/stuttery while scrolling, highlighting, commenting on a document. You can see a basic code here : var flag = false A commun technique, used by StickyKit for example, if to add a placeholder div. To prevent that behavior, you need to add the "missing height" to the document when changing the class. So what happening here is that your header take space, you scroll the page, set the header with position:fixed so it doesn't take space anymore, all your elements move up and the scrollbar disappear. The problem is that fixed elements doesn't take space in the DOM.