The missions are well thought out and the story line is excellent. The detail of all the ships and the environments is incredible. Beyond that the graphics over-haul was great. Plus, you'll find that attackers will appear out of nowhere. You'll find that at the end of just about every battle, save the first few that you'll need to almost totally rebuild your fleet. The auto-RU mining at the end was a great touch, but I much rather would have had the auto RU, but allow me then to survey the area to make sure that I do infact have everything, and begin production of my fleet. I didn't enjoy the fact that you were auto-matically hyperspaced out at the end of each mission. It was everything that I could have hoped from a homeworld game, besides a few little things. it was the first, and still stands as the greatest 3D space RTS ever, as few of those as there are. The grandeur of the cosmos was perfectly captured. like looking at a brilliant sunset in autumn. it's majestic, breathtaking, elegant, operatic, awe inspiring.

FreeSpace games come close, but staring at some of the backgrounds as your battle-weary ships sail past. It's completely unrealistic, but space never looked more beautiful then in HW2. Every Relic game has had that unique Relic art direction that utilizes quality concept art to bring the game to life. All from a completely new studio, out of the blue. Completely 3D environment, with no basebuilding, intelligent fleet formations and fighters all swarming around on their own.

Then Homeworld 2 came out (I missed the boat on HW1), and what a revelation. Ultimately a fun game, one of the better Star Trek games ever made, but pretty much a disappointment if you expected it to be more then Starcraft with starships. They weren't anything special, I was far more involved in FPSs. They weren't You have to keep in mind, back in the old days I had only dabbled in a bit of C&C red alert and Starcraft as far as RTSs go. You have to keep in mind, back in the old days I had only dabbled in a bit of C&C red alert and Starcraft as far as RTSs go.